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The mission of the Academy is to optimize patient care through professionalism education, scholarship, policy and practice in all health-related fields.

HomeTesting October 2021 Conference

APHC October 2021 Conference

Professionalism and the Digital Transformation of Health Care & Education: Designing the New Normal

October 2021 Keynote 1 Robert Wachter
October 2021 Keynote 2 Lisa Howley
October 2021 Fireside Chat Dennis Novack

The Academy for Professionalism in Health Care (APHC) 5th Virtual Conference on Professionalism and the Digital Transformation of Health Care and Education: Designing the New Normal 

Listen to keynoters Dr. Robert Wachter and AAMC's Dr. Lisa Howley, plus Dr. Dennis Novack interviewed by Dr. Tom Harter. 

Keynote #1
Covid-19 and the Digital Transformation of Healthcare: Accelerating the Need for a New Professionalism

Dr. Robert M. Wachter is Professor and Chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. He is author of 300 articles in the medical literature as well as others in the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today and Wall Street Journal. He coined the term “hospitalist” in 1996 and is often considered the “father” of the hospitalist field, the fastest growing medical specialty in the U.S. history. He has written six books, including The Digital Doctor: Hope, Hype and Harm at the Dawn of Medicine’s Computer Age, which was a New York Times science bestseller. His honors include selection as the most influential physician in the United States by Modern Healthcare Magazine in 2015, the Eisenberg award (nation’s top honor in patient safety, 2004), and election to the National Academy of Medicine in 2020. In 2020-21, his tweets on Covid-19 were viewed over 250 million times by nearly 200,000 followers and served as a trusted source of information on the clinical, public health, and policy issues surrounding the pandemic.

Keynote #2

Professionalism and Telehealth: Painting a Picture for Optimal Teaching and Learning

Dr. Lisa Howley is Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships at the AAMC. Dr. Howley is an educational psychologist who has spent 25 years in the field of medical education supporting learners and faculty, conducting research, and developing curricula. She joined the AAMC in 2016 to advance the continuum of medical education, support experiential learning, and curricular transformation across its member institutions and their clinical partners. Prior to joining the AAMC, she spent eight years as the Associate DIO and AVP of Medical Education and Physician Development for Carolinas HealthCare System in North Carolina, one of the largest independent academic medical centers in the U.S. In that role, she led a number of medical education initiatives across the professional development continuum, including graduate medical education accreditation, as well as physician leadership development for the large integrated healthcare system. She concurrently served as Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, where she led curriculum and faculty development. She also held a faculty appointment in educational research at UNC-Charlotte where she taught social science research methods, led and collaborated on numerous studies of effective education. From 1996 to 2001, she was a member of the medical education faculty at the University of Virginia School of Medicine where she designed and led performance-based assessments and simulation-enhanced curricula.

Fireside Chat

Fireside chat with Dr. Dennis Novack, who is a pioneer in online learning. He will be interviewed by Dr. Tom Harter.  On ResearchGate, Dr. Novack is recognized in the top five percent of cited researchers worldwide and among the top three percent of researchers on He has presented his research and educational contributions at over 250 conferences. Two of his greatest research contributions are used daily to help train learners in communication and professionalism. DocCom (, which consists of 42 online communication modules and over 400 unscripted videos many of which are annotated. DocCom module have been used by nearly 90,000learners in over 20 countries. Ten research articles have been published around the value of DocCom. After learning that students who experienced professional lapses were at greater risk of being disciplined as physicians by state boards, Dr. Novack founded Professional Formation ( The online platform has 14 modules about professionalism for learners, plus development and remediation modules for faculty to use. With launch of the program in the spring of 2020, the modules are free during Covid. After several years of research, Dr. Novack received another Macy grant to create a module on antiracism which will be piloted next year. 

APHC-Oct2021Conference.mp4 from Barbara Lewis on Vimeo.


Breakout #1 - Bioethics for a Virtual Environment - Facilitator: Tanja Adonizio

For the Patient's Good? A Brief Exploration of Ethics in the Use of Telehealth

This presentation discusses several potential ethical concerns with the use of telehealth in patient care, as well as several ethical principles that can and should guide the utilization of telehealth in patient to ensure the value of telehealth is maximized while minimizing negative consequences. Dr. Tom Harter is the Director of the Department of Bioethics and Humanities Gundersen Health System. Welcome.


Ethical and Legal Challenges with Big Data and Genomics for Privacy, Consent, and Ownership

There is a need for correlation and education concerning the way technological advancements influence ethical and legal challenges of consent, privacy and ownership in genomics and big data.

Seema Belani, MS, BA, is an MS-3 at Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine.

Georgina Tiarks, BS, is an MS-2 at Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine.

Neil Mookerjee, BS, MS-2 at Cooper Medical School of Rowan University

Vijay Rajpput, MD, at Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine.


Health Care Is About Humans First: Competencies Needed for The Ethical Use of AI

This study reports on competencies clinicians need to work with artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Interviews were conducted with experts to create a set of learner competencies to guide curriculum development and assessment. Ethical competency emerged as priority as AI is introduced into practice.

Regina Russell, PhD, MA, MEd, is Assistant Professor, Medical Education and Director, UME Learning System Outcomes at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

Laurie Novak, PhD, MHSA, is Assistant Professor, Bioinformatics and Director, Center of Excellence in Applied AI at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Kim Garvey, PhD, MS, MLIS, is Research Instructor, Anesthesiology and Director of Operations, Center for Advanced Mobile Healthcare Learning at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Bonnie Miller, MD, MMHC, is Professor, Medical Education and Vice President of Educational Affairs at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.


Breakout #2 - Facilitator: Christine Pask

Professionalism Assessment in Virtual Educational Settings - Chair - TJ Jirasevijinda


Who Does a Tiered Grading System in an Online Doctoring Course Really Help?

The tiered grading system (e.g., A-B-C-D-F) has been used to distinguish different levels of student performance, particularly in the pre-clinical phase. It is unclear if this system works for professionalism curriculum such as the doctoring course. We offer a debate to explore this controversy.

TJ Jirasevijinda, MD, is Director, Medical Student Education in Pediatrics and Professor of Pediatrics at Weill Cornell Medicine.

Chanida Siripraparat, MD, is the Director of Humanistic Medicine Course at Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Medicine in Bangkok, Thailand.

Talent Theparee, MD, is Faculty of Medicine at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand.

Who Does a Tiered Grading System in Online Doctoring Course Really Help PPT


Does Transition from In-Person to Remote Learning Impact Professional Behavior Lapses

The global pandemic increased dependence on a new learning environment: remote learning and digital instruction. We questioned whether pandemic-induced transitions from in-person to remote learning at a medical school impacted the number/type of learner professionalism lapses reported by faculty.

Michael Ainsworth, MD, is Senior Associate Dean at UTMB Galveston

Karen Szauter, MD, is Assistant Dean at UTMB Galveston.


Professionalism in preclinical education: A comparison between face-to-face and online settings

Professionalism is the subject of much discussion, which has been further complicated as medical schools shifted to online settings. This study compared students’ peer-evaluation of professionalism in the two settings and investigated the evolvement of students’ perceptions/behaviors during Covid 19.

Xiaomei Song, PhD, is the Director of Assessment and Program Evaluation at Central Michigan University, College of Medicine.

Michael Elftman, PhD, Assistant Professor at Central Michigan University, College of Medicine.


Breakout #3 - Facilitator: Preston Reynolds

New Digital Ideas for Enhancing Professionalism Teaching and Wellness


Exploring VIPES Simulation Using a Patient Avatar

The purpose of the IPE event included applying IPEC core competencies effectively while respecting and enlightening colleagues according to their professional discipline. This was done by replacing hybrid IPE events with VIPES (Virtual Interactive Interprofessional Experience Simulation).

David Colbourne, MD, is Clinical Assistant Professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Katrin Tamari, DDS, is Associate Professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Matsuko Takeshige, DO, is Clinical Assistant Professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine.


Just in Time Teaching (JITTs) Infographic App: Technologically Assisted Faculty Development

Faculty developers must expand their creativity for delivery of content and develop systems that use technology-assisted modalities. Medical educators require training in the use of new technologic-assisted methods. This presentation will address JiTT content presented in Infographics specific to professionalism and self-care and well being, which support humanistic learning environments.

Alice Fornari, EdD, FAMEE, HEC-C, RDN, is Vice President of Faculty Development at Northwell Health.


Redesigning Professionalism: Student-led Initiatives for Ethics, Aesthetics and Identity Formation

Reckoning identity as a multifaceted expression of self and the pressure to conform to a singular notion of Professionalism, medical students launched GUT FLORA, a digital magazine that celebrates medical students' creative modes of self-expression, while embracing professional values and ethics.

Michelle Won, BA, is a medical student at Texas A&M College of Medicine.

Cindy Thaung, MS, is a medical student at Texas A&M College of Medicine.

Bryn Esplin, JD, HEC-C, CPPS, is an Assistant Professor of Medical Education at UNT Health Science Center.


Finding Digital Communities for Guidance as an Unmatched Medical Professional

Through a zoom meeting, a digital community was formed. Our work group tasked itself with evaluating resources to guide unmatched medical graduates. The resources used for guidance were from social platforms. Social platforms are allowing mentorship and guidance to take place remotely.

Juan Navaez

Jessica Obi, MD, is a researcher at An Unmatched Guide.

Emmy Abraham, MD

Sahalia Rashid, MD

Kyle Swearingen, MD, is at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine.

Breakout #4 - Facilitator: Michelle Schmude

Digital Games to Teach about Professionalism


Netiqutte Kahoot!

This session will utilize a quiz competition to review important concepts in digital etiquette and common digital etiquette "fauz pas."

Joshua Davis, MD, is an Attending Physician and Ultrasound Director at Vituity and Clinical Instructor at University of Kansas School of Medicine – Wichita 


Promoting Professionalism through Patient Safety Awareness: A Digital Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience for Undergraduate Medical Students

With the goal of early student engagement on patient safety, a curriculum intervention utilizing a gamified digital escape room learning experience was developed and delivered during a third-year Internal Medicine clerkship didactic session.

Jessica Giraldo, BS, is an Instructional Designer at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine.

Samantha Lemus-Martinez, PhD, is the Director of Teaching and Learning at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine.

Gloria Coronel Couto, MD, FACP, is an Assistant Professor, Translational Medicine at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine.

Ian Ergui, MD, is a resident at Jackson Memorial Hospital.

Digital Games to Teach about Professionalism.mp4 from Barbara Lewis on Vimeo.


Breakout #5 - Facilitator: Dennis Novack

Professionalism in the Digital Era: Student to Advanced Learner's Perspectives

Therapeutic Alliance is an essential aspect of professional relationships. This panel will explore how virtual mediums impact the development of this alliance, what ethical issues may come up during virtual interactions and how can they be addressed. We will also look at how virtual mediums will influence professional communications from student to advanced learner’s perspectives.

Chair - Nutan Vaidya, MD, is a Professor and Vice Dean of Faculty Affairs at the Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science.

Gia Merlo, MD, MBA, is a Clinical Professor and Senior Advisor of Wellness at NYU Meyers College of Nursing.

Peter Nesper is a medical student at the Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science.

Daniel Wasserman, is a PGY3 at the Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science.

Matthew Tiacharoen, MBS, is a medical student at Michigan State University.

Professionalism in the Digital Era.mp4 from Barbara Lewis on Vimeo.


Breakout #6 – Facilitator: William Agbor-Baiyee

Exploring the Impact of Digital Transformation on Mentorship and Professional Identity Formation (panel)

Our panel discussion aims to explore the question, How can the medical training environment adapt to the changes that accompany its digital transformation in order to foster authentic, meaningful, and sustainable mentorship practices to support professional identity formation among its learners?

Alexandra Kilian, MD, is a Resident Physician at the University of Toronto.

Victor Do, MD, is a Resident Physician at the University of Toronto.

Roshan Abraham, MD, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta.

Lyn Sonnenberg, MD, is Associate Dean and Associate Professor at the University of Alberta.


Breakout #7 – Facilitator: Steve Rosenzweig

The Virtual Museum: Tools for Using the Visual Arts in Professionalism Education (workshop)

The visual arts can be used to bolster leaners' professional identity formation by facilitating discussions focusing on personal insight, perspective-taking, and social advocacy. Participants will learn strategies for incorporating the virtual arts in their teaching using virtual or online platforms.

Elizabeth Gundersen, MD, is an Associate Professor of Hospice & Palliative Medicine and Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University.


Breakout #8 – Facilitator: Jazz Patel

Character Formation on Zoom? A Panel Discussion on Virtue Ethics-Based Curricular Innovations

In this panel, we will convene a national panel of medical educators and ethicists who will share their experiences with forming the next generation of physicians shaped by the digital transformation of medicine with a specific focus on virtue ethics-based curricular innovations in medical education.

Michael Hawking, MD, is Affiliate Faculty at the University of Chicago.

Kathryn Rowland, MD, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago.

Fabrice Jotterand, PhD, is a Professor at the Kern Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin.

John Yoon, MD, is a Visiting Scholar at the Kern Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin.

Adina Kalet, MD, MPH, is a Director at the Kern Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin.


Breakout #9 - Facilitator: Preston Reynolds

Moving Professionalism Education from In-Person to Online


Professionalism in Medical School - The Online Learning Environment

Maintaining a high level of professionalism is a challenge with the recent shift to an online setting due to COVID-19. We will discuss what professionalism means in medical school, how expectations of it have changed between settings, and what steps can be taken to move in the right direction.

Matthew Bautista, BS, is a medical student at Wayne State University School of Medicine.

Paige Hammis, BS, is a medical student at Wayne State University School of Medicine.

Nathan Sim, BS, is a medical student at Wayne State University School of Medicine.


Virtually Performing Under Stress: Maintaining Immersive and High-Stress Environment During Virtual Simulation 

To achieve high-quality, patient-centered care, teaching programs across health professions must prepare learners to work in effective teams while occasionally dealing with challenging situations.  While a learning modality that prepares learners for such stressful situations is simulation, there are many barriers and logical burdens for implementing virtually immersive simulations, including limited realism and technological formatting.

Anisha Turner, MD, MBA is an Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine.


Professionalism through the Eyes of Beholder

Arts and Humanities have long been incorporated in teaching professionalism. As part of an introduction to Professionalism, medical students are required to present how they see professionalism in form of creative arts. The product was accompanied with a short reflective piece in their eportfolio.

Le Hoang Huy Truong is a medical student at VinUniversity.

Hoang Son Nguyen is a medical student at VinUniversity.

Zarrin Siddiqui, MD, MCPS, PhD is the Medial Program Director at VinUniversity.


Breakout #10 - Facilitator: Alice Fornari

Professionalism in Virtual International Collaboration

International virtual collaboration requires understanding of culture, especially to discuss professionalism. How do we discuss professionalism with international collaborators in a virtual setting? What challenges can we encounter? What language can be used to make our collaborators feel valued?

J.M.Monica van de Ridder, PhD, MSc, is an assistant professor at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine/ Spectrum Health. 

TJ Jirasevijinda, MD, is Associate Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine College.

Shan Abbas, MD, is Associate Professor at Michigan State University-SpectrumHealth.



Breakout #11 - Facilitator: Maureen Triller 

Patient-Acquired Online Sources vs. Professional Opinion: Finding Balance for Shared Decision-Making

Negotiating with patients who present online information for medical decisions can feel stressful and confrontational for clinicians.  Explore strategies for encouraging patient participation in shared decision-making while maintaining professionalism to avoid the perception of “a doctor knows best.”

Janet Panoch, PhD, is a Visiting Assistant Research Professor at the IU School of Medicine.

Theresa Beech, MS, is a Patient Advocate for Osteosarcoma Information.

Brian Van Tine, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at Washington University School of Medicine.


Breakout #12 – Facilitator: William Agbor-Baiyee

Beyond "I know it when I see it": Defining Professionalism

Recent definitions of professionalism focus on observable behaviors, introducing the challenge of what constitutes (un)professional behavior. Participants will apply definitions of such behavior to a series of recreated video clips of student/patient interactions in order to hone their definitions.

Amy Lorion, MA, is the Director for Clinical Skills Client Examinations & Standardized Patient Training at National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME).

Anthony Errichetti, PhD

Jeanne Sandella, DO, is the Associate Vice President for Research and Communications for the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME).


Breakout #13 – Facilitator: John Spandorfer

Deploying a Virtual Professionalism Curriculum in the Clinical Phase of Medical School

This session provides an overview of how to develop a virtual personal & professional development curriculum to support reflection and growth during clinical training years. The format will allow participants to explore opportunities and challenges of deploying technology during a clerkship.

Michelle Schmude, EdD, is the Associate Professor of Medical Education & Associate Dean for Admissions & Financial Aid at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine.

Tanja Adonizio, MD, is the Assistant Professor & Associate Dean for Student Affairs at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine.

Margrit Shoemaker, MD, is an Assistant Professor at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine.

Kimberly Kovalick, DO, is the Assistant Dean, Primary Care Education and Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine.

Halle Ellison, MD, FACS, is Assistant Professor of Surgery and Palliative Care at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine.